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Pascal/Delphi Source File
1,255 lines
{* *}
{* ASYNC12 - Interrupt-driven asyncronous communications for Turbo Pascal *}
{* Version 1.2 - Wedensday June 14, 1989 *}
{* Copyright (C) 1989, Rising Edge Data Services *}
{* Author : Mark Schultz *}
{* *}
{* *}
{* The routines that follow comprise a Turbo Pascal UNIT that will fully *}
{* impliment interrupt-driven serial communications on a fully PC-compat- *}
{* able computer (those machines that use the 8250 or equivalent UART *}
{* mapped at the standard addresses). Full simultaneous buffering for *}
{* both input and output with variable buffer sizes for each port is *}
{* provided. Unlike many other libraries of a similar nature, up to 4 *}
{* ports may be active simultaneously (easily modified for more). *}
{* *}
{* For further details, consult the procedure/function headers within the *}
{* program or check the accompanying ASYNC12.DOC file. To successfuly *}
{* compile this unit, you MUST have the file "ASYNC.OBJ" in the "Object *}
{* directory" (as defined in the Integrated Environment) or the currently *}
{* logged directory; in short, where the compiler can find it. This file *}
{* contains the object code for the assembly-based routines within. *}
{* *}
{* This product is copyrighted (C) 1988 by Rising Edge Software, Inc. and *}
{* it's author, Mark Schultz. Permission is granted for non-commercial *}
{* use and distribution. Refer to the file ASYNC12.DOC for details. *}
{* *}
{* Version History: *}
{* *}
{* V1.2 - Improved performance (accuracy) of the ComExist function. *}
{* Several minor enhancements made to improve performance. *}
{* *}
{* V1.1 - Corrected errors that dealt with the handling of the 8259. Also *}
{* added compensation for "bugs" that are present in some 8250's *}
{* and equivalent gate arrays (Thanks to Ralph Schraven, Toshiba *}
{* Europa GmbH for tracking these problems down). *}
{* *}
{* V1.0 - First release *}
{* *}
{* *}
{* Status byte definition (C_Status): *}
{* *}
{* 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 *}
{* | | | | | | | |____ Input buffer empty *}
{* | | | | | | |________ Input buffer full *}
{* | | | | | |____________ Output buffer empty *}
{* | | | | |________________ Output buffer full *}
{* | | | |____________________ Input buffer overflow *}
{* | | |________________________ Output buffer overflow *}
{* | |____________________________ Hard handshake active (xmit stopped) *}
{* |________________________________ Soft handshake active (xmit stopped) *}
{* *}
{* Control byte definition (C_Ctrl): *}
{* *}
{* 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 *}
{* | | | | | | | |____ Enable RTS handshake *}
{* | | | | | | |________ Enable CTS handshake *}
{* | | | | | |____________ Enable software handshake *}
{* | | | | |________________ *}
{* | | | |____________________ *}
{* | | |________________________ *}
{* | |____________________________ *}
{* |________________________________ *}
{* *}
C_MinBaud = 50;
C_MaxBaud = 115200;
{ Base port addresses & interrupt usage }
C_MaxPort = 4;
C_MaxCom : Byte = C_MaxPort;
C_PortAddr : Array[1..C_MaxPort] Of Word = ($03F8,$02F8,$03E8,$02E8);
C_PortInt : Array[1..C_MaxPort] Of Byte = (4,3,4,3);
C_PointerArray = Array[1..C_MaxPort] Of Pointer;
C_WordArray = Array[1..C_MaxPort] Of Word;
C_ByteArray = Array[1..C_MaxPort] Of Byte;
C_CharArray = Array[1..C_MaxPort] Of Char;
C_BooleanArray = Array[1..C_MaxPort] Of Boolean;
C_InBufPtr,C_OutBufPtr : C_PointerArray; { Input/output buffer pointers }
C_InHead,C_OutHead : C_WordArray; { Input/output head pointers }
C_InTail,C_OutTail : C_WordArray; { Input/output tail pointers }
C_InSize,C_OutSize : C_WordArray; { Input/output buffer sizes }
C_RTSOn,C_RTSOff : C_WordArray; { RTS assert/drop buffer points }
C_StartChar,C_StopChar : C_CharArray; { Soft hndshake start/stop char }
C_Status,C_Ctrl : C_ByteArray; { STATUS and CONTROL registers }
C_XL3Ptr : C_ByteArray;
C_PortOpen : C_BooleanArray; { Port open/close flags }
C_Temp : Word; { Used for debugging }
{ Procedure headers - required for UNITization }
Function ComReadCh(ComPort:Byte) : Char;
Function ComReadChW(ComPort:Byte) : Char;
Procedure ComWriteCh(ComPort:Byte; Ch:Char);
Procedure ComWriteChW(ComPort:Byte; Ch:Char);
Procedure SetDTR(ComPort:Byte; Assert:Boolean);
Procedure SetRTS(ComPort:Byte; Assert:Boolean);
Procedure SetOUT1(ComPort:Byte; Assert:Boolean);
Procedure SetOUT2(ComPort:Byte; Assert:Boolean);
Function CTSStat(ComPort:Byte) : Boolean;
Function DSRStat(ComPort:Byte) : Boolean;
Function RIStat(ComPort:Byte) : Boolean;
Function DCDStat(ComPort:Byte) : Boolean;
Procedure SetRTSMode(ComPort:Byte; Mode:Boolean; RTSOn,RTSOff:Word);
Procedure SetCTSMode(ComPort:Byte; Mode:Boolean);
Procedure SoftHandshake(ComPort:Byte; Mode:Boolean; Start,Stop:Char);
Procedure ClearCom(ComPort:Byte; IO:Char);
Function ComBufferLeft(ComPort:Byte; IO:Char) : Word;
Procedure ComWaitForClear(ComPort:Byte);
Procedure ComWrite(ComPort:Byte; St:String);
Procedure ComWriteln(ComPort:Byte; St:String);
Procedure ComWriteWithDelay(ComPort:Byte; St:String; Dly:Word);
Procedure ComReadln(ComPort:Byte; Var St:String; Size:Byte; Echo:Boolean);
Function ComExist(ComPort:Byte) : Boolean;
Function ComTrueBaud(Baud:Longint) : Real;
Procedure ComParams(ComPort:Byte; Baud:LongInt; WordSize:Byte; Parity:Char; StopBits:Byte);
Function OpenCom(ComPort:Byte; InBufferSize,OutBufferSize:Word) : Boolean;
Procedure CloseCom(ComPort:Byte);
Procedure CloseAllComs;
C_IER = 1; { 8250 register offsets }
C_IIR = 2;
C_LCR = 3;
C_MCR = 4;
C_LSR = 5;
C_MSR = 6;
C_SCR = 7;
C_OldINTVec : C_PointerArray; { Storage for old hardware INT vectors }
X : Byte; { Used by initialization code }
{* *}
{* Procedure INT_Handler; External; *}
{* *}
{* Hardware interrupts 3 and 4 (vectors $0B and $0C) are pointed to *}
{* this routine. It is for internal use only and should NOT be called *}
{* directly. Written in assembly language (see ASYNC12.ASM). *}
{* *}
Procedure INT_Handler; External;
{* *}
{* Procedure ComReadCh(ComPort:Byte) : Char; External; *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom) *}
{* *}
{* Returns character from input buffer of specified port. If the buffer *}
{* is empty, the port # invalid or not opened, a Chr(0) is returned. *}
{* Written in assembly language for best possible speed (see ASYNC12.ASM) *}
{* *}
Function ComReadCh(ComPort:Byte) : Char; External;
{* *}
{* Function ComReadChW(ComPort:Byte) : Char; External; *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom) *}
{* *}
{* Works like ComReadCh, but will wait until at least 1 character is *}
{* present in the specified input buffer before exiting. Thus, ComReadChW *}
{* works much like the ReadKey predefined function. Written in assembly *}
{* language to maximize performance (see ASYNC12.ASM) *}
{* *}
Function ComReadChW(ComPort:Byte) : Char; External;
{* *}
{* Procedure ComWriteCh(ComPort:Byte; Ch:Char); External *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom) *}
{* Ch:Char -> Character to send *}
{* *}
{* Places the character [Ch] in the transmit buffer of the specified port. *}
{* If the port specified is not open or nonexistent, or if the buffer is *}
{* filled, the character is discarded. Written in assembly language to *}
{* maximize performance (see ASYNC12.ASM) *}
{* *}
Procedure ComWriteCh(ComPort:Byte; Ch:Char); External;
{* *}
{* Procedure ComWriteChW(ComPort:Byte; Ch:Char); External; *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom) *}
{* Ch:Char -> Character to send *}
{* *}
{* Works as ComWriteCh, but will wait until at least 1 free position is *}
{* available in the output buffer before attempting to place the character *}
{* [Ch] in it. Allows the programmer to send characters without regard to *}
{* available buffer space. Written in assembly language to maximize *}
{* performance (see ASYNC12.ASM) *}
{* *}
Procedure ComWriteChW(ComPort:Byte; Ch:Char); External;
{* *}
{* Procedure SetDTR(ComPort:Byte; Assert:Boolean); *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom) *}
{* Call ignored if out-of-range *}
{* Assert:Boolean -> DTR assertion flag (TRUE to assert DTR) *}
{* *}
{* Provides a means to control the port's DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal *}
{* line. When [Assert] is TRUE, the DTR line is placed in the "active" *}
{* state, signalling to a remote system that the host is "on-line" *}
{* (although not nessesarily ready to receive data - see SetRTS). *}
{* *}
Procedure SetDTR(ComPort:Byte; Assert:Boolean);
P,X : Integer;
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxCom) Then Exit;
P := C_PortAddr[ComPort];
X := Port[P+C_MCR];
If Assert Then
X := X Or $01
X := X And $FE;
Port[P+C_MCR] := X;
{* *}
{* Procedure SetRTS(ComPort:Byte; Assert:Boolean) *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom) *}
{* Call ignored if out-of-range *}
{* Assert:Boolean -> RTS assertion flag (Set TRUE to assert RTS) *}
{* *}
{* SetRTS allows a program to manually control the Request-To-Send (RTS) *}
{* signal line. If RTS handshaking is disabled (see C_Ctrl definition *}
{* and the the SetRTSMode procedure), this procedure may be used. SetRTS *}
{* should NOT be used if RTS handshaking is enabled. *}
{* *}
Procedure SetRTS(ComPort:Byte; Assert:Boolean);
P,X : Integer;
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxCom) Then Exit;
P := C_PortAddr[ComPort];
X := Port[P+C_MCR];
If Assert Then
X := X Or $02
X := X And $FD;
Port[P+C_MCR] := X;
{* *}
{* Procedure SetOUT1(ComPort:Byte; Assert:Boolean) *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom) *}
{* Call ignored if out-of-range *}
{* Assert:Boolean -> OUT1 assertion flag (set TRUE to assert OUT1 line) *}
{* *}
{* SetOUT1 is provided for reasons of completeness only, since the *}
{* standard PC/XT/AT configurations do not utilize this control signal. *}
{* If [Assert] is TRUE, the OUT1 signal line on the 8250 will be set to a *}
{* LOW logic level (inverted logic). The OUT1 signal is present on pin 34 *}
{* of the 8250 (but not on the port itself). *}
{* *}
Procedure SetOUT1(ComPort:Byte; Assert:Boolean);
P,X : Integer;
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxCom) Then Exit;
P := C_PortAddr[ComPort];
X := Port[P+C_MCR];
If Assert Then
X := X Or $04
X := X And $FB;
Port[P+C_MCR] := X;
{* *}
{* Procedure SetOUT2(ComPort:Byte; Assert:Boolean) *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom) *}
{* Call ignored if out-of-range *}
{* Assert:Boolean -> OUT2 assertion flag (set TRUE to assert OUT2 line) *}
{* *}
{* The OUT2 signal line, although not available on the port itself, is *}
{* used to gate the 8250 <INTRPT> (interrupt) line and thus acts as a *}
{* redundant means of controlling 8250 interrupts. When [Assert] is TRUE, *}
{* the /OUT2 line on the 8250 is lowered, which allows the passage of the *}
{* <INTRPT> signal through a gating arrangement, allowing the 8250 to *}
{* generate interrupts. Int's can be disabled bu unASSERTing this line. *}
{* *}
Procedure SetOUT2(ComPort:Byte; Assert:Boolean);
P,X : Integer;
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxCom) Then Exit;
P := C_PortAddr[ComPort];
X := Port[P+C_MCR];
If Assert Then
X := X Or $08
X := X And $F7;
Port[P+C_MCR] := X;
{* *}
{* Function CTSStat(ComPort:Byte) : Boolean *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom) *}
{* Call ignored if out-of-range *}
{* Returns status of Clear-To-Send line (TRUE if CTS asserted) *}
{* *}
{* CTSStat provides a means to interrogate the Clear-To-Send hardware *}
{* handshaking line. In a typical arrangement, when CTS is asserted, this *}
{* signals the host (this computer) that the receiver is ready to accept *}
{* data (in contrast to the DSR line, which signals the receiver as *}
{* on-line but not nessesarily ready to accept data). An automated mech- *}
{* ansim (see CTSMode) is provided to do this, but in cases where this is *}
{* undesirable or inappropriate, the CTSStat function can be used to int- *}
{* terrogate this line manually. *}
{* *}
Function CTSStat(ComPort:Byte) : Boolean;
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxCom) Then
CTSStat := False
CTSStat := (Port[C_PortAddr[ComPort]+C_MSR] And $10) > 0;
{* *}
{* Function DSRStat(ComPort:Byte) : Boolean *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom) *}
{* Call ignored if out-of-range *}
{* Returns status of Data Set Ready (DSR) signal line. *}
{* *}
{* The Data Set Ready (DSR) line is typically used by a remote station *}
{* to signal the host system that it is on-line (although not nessesarily *}
{* ready to receive data yet - see CTSStat). A remote station has the DSR *}
{* line asserted if DSRStat returns TRUE. *}
{* *}
Function DSRStat(ComPort:Byte) : Boolean;
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxCom) Then
DSRStat := False
DSRStat := (Port[C_PortAddr[ComPort]+C_MSR] And $20) > 0;
{* *}
{* Function RIStat(ComPort:Byte) : Boolean *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom) *}
{* Call ignored if out-of-range *}
{* *}
{* Returns the status of the Ring Indicator (RI) line. This line is *}
{* typically used only by modems, and indicates that the modem has detect- *}
{* ed an incoming call if RIStat returns TRUE. *}
{* *}
Function RIStat(ComPort:Byte) : Boolean;
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxCom) Then
RIStat := False
RIStat := (Port[C_PortAddr[ComPort]+C_MSR] And $40) > 0;
{* *}
{* Function DCDStat(ComPort:Byte) : Boolean *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom) *}
{* Call ignored if out-of-range *}
{* *}
{* Returns the status of the Data Carrier Detect (DCD) line from the rem- *}
{* ote device, typically a modem. When asserted (DCDStat returns TRUE), *}
{* the modem indicates that it has successfuly linked with another modem *}
{* device at another site. *}
{* *}
Function DCDStat(ComPort:Byte) : Boolean;
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxCom) Then
DCDStat := False
DCDStat := (Port[C_PortAddr[ComPort]+C_MSR] And $80) > 0;
{* *}
{* Procedure SetRTSMode(ComPort:Byte; Mode:Boolean; RTSOn,RTSOff:Word) *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom). *}
{* Request ignored if out of range or unopened. *}
{* Mode:Boolean -> TRUE to enable automatic RTS handshake *}
{* RTSOn:Word -> Buffer-usage point at which the RTS line is asserted *}
{* RTSOff:Word -> Buffer-usage point at which the RTS line is dropped *}
{* *}
{* SetRTSMode enables or disables automated RTS handshaking. If [MODE] is *}
{* TRUE, automated RTS handshaking is enabled. If enabled, the RTS line *}
{* will be DROPPED when the # of buffer bytes used reaches or exceeds that *}
{* of [RTSOff]. The RTS line will then be re-asserted when the buffer is *}
{* emptied down to the [RTSOn] usage point. If either [RTSOn] or [RTSOff] *}
{* exceeds the input buffer size, they will be forced to (buffersize-1). *}
{* If [RTSOn] > [RTSOff] then [RTSOn] will be the same as [RTSOff]. *}
{* The actual handshaking control is located in the interrupt driver for *}
{* the port (see ASYNC12.ASM). *}
{* *}
Procedure SetRTSMode(ComPort:Byte; Mode:Boolean; RTSOn,RTSOff:Word);
X : Byte;
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxPort) Or (Not C_PortOpen[ComPort]) Then Exit;
X := C_Ctrl[ComPort];
If Mode Then X := X Or $01 Else X := X And $FE;
C_Ctrl[ComPort] := X;
If Mode Then
If (RTSOff >= C_InSize[ComPort]) Then RTSOff := C_InSize[ComPort] - 1;
If (RTSOn > RTSOff) Then RTSOff := RTSOn;
C_RTSOn[ComPort] := RTSOn;
C_RTSOff[ComPort] := RTSOff;
{* *}
{* Procedure SetCTSMode(ComPort:Byte; Mode:Boolean) *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom). *}
{* Request ignored if out of range or unopened. *}
{* Mode:Boolean -> Set to TRUE to enable automatic CTS handshake. *}
{* *}
{* SetCTSMode allows the enabling or disabling of automated CTS handshak- *}
{* ing. If [Mode] is TRUE, CTS handshaking is enabled, which means that *}
{* if the remote drops the CTS line, the transmitter will be disabled *}
{* until the CTS line is asserted again. Automatic handshake is disabled *}
{* if [Mode] is FALSE. CTS handshaking and "software" handshaking (pro- *}
{* vided by the SoftHandshake procedure) ARE compatable and may be used *}
{* in any combination. The actual logic for CTS handshaking is located *}
{* in the communications interrupt driver (see ASYNC12.ASM). *}
{* *}
Procedure SetCTSMode(ComPort:Byte; Mode:Boolean);
X : Byte;
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxPort) Or (Not C_PortOpen[ComPort]) Then Exit;
X := C_Ctrl[ComPort];
If Mode Then X := X Or $02 Else X := X And $FD;
C_Ctrl[ComPort] := X;
{* *}
{* Procedure SoftHandshake(ComPort:Byte; Mode:Boolean; Start,Stop:Char) *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom). *}
{* Request ignored if out of range or unopened. *}
{* Mode:Boolean -> Set to TRUE to enable transmit software handshake *}
{* Start:Char -> START control character (usually ^Q) *}
{* Defaults to ^Q if character passed is >= <Space> *}
{* Stop:Char -> STOP control character (usually ^S) *}
{* Defaults to ^S if character passed is >= <Space> *}
{* *}
{* SoftHandshake controls the usage of "Software" (control-character) *}
{* handshaking on transmission. If "software handshake" is enabled *}
{* ([Mode] is TRUE), transmission will be halted if the character in *}
{* [Stop] is received. Transmission is re-enabled if the [Start] char- *}
{* acter is received. Both the [Start] and [Stop] characters MUST be *}
{* CONTROL characters (i.e. Ord(Start) and Ord(Stop) must both be < 32). *}
{* Also, <Start> and <Stop> CANNOT be the same character. If either one *}
{* of these restrictions are violated, the defaults (^Q for <Start> and ^S *}
{* for <Stop>) will be used. Software handshaking control is implimented *}
{* within the communications interrupt driver (see ASYNC12.ASM). *}
{* *}
Procedure SoftHandshake(ComPort:Byte; Mode:Boolean; Start,Stop:Char);
X : Byte;
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxPort) Or (Not C_PortOpen[ComPort]) Then Exit;
X := C_Ctrl[ComPort];
If Mode Then
X := X Or $04;
If Start=Stop Then Begin Start := ^Q; Stop := ^S; End;
If Start>#32 Then Start := ^Q;
If Stop>#32 Then Stop := ^S;
C_StartChar[ComPort] := Start;
C_StopChar[ComPort] := Stop;
X := X And $FB;
C_Ctrl[ComPort] := X;
{* *}
{* Procedure ClearCom(ComPort:Byte); IO:Char) *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom). *}
{* Request ignored if out of range or unopened. *}
{* IO:Char -> Action code; I=Input, O=Output, B=Both *}
{* No action taken if action code unrecognized. *}
{* *}
{* ClearCom allows the user to completely clear the contents of either *}
{* the input (receive) and/or output (transmit) buffers. The "action *}
{* code" passed in <IO> determines if the input (I) or output (O) buffer *}
{* is cleared. Action code (B) will clear both buffers. This is useful *}
{* if you wish to cancel a transmitted message or ignore part of a *}
{* received message. *}
{* *}
Procedure ClearCom(ComPort:Byte; IO:Char);
P,X : Word;
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxCom) Or (Not C_PortOpen[ComPort]) Then Exit;
IO := Upcase(IO);
P := C_PortAddr[ComPort];
If (IO='I') Or (IO='B') Then
C_InHead[ComPort] := 0;
C_InTail[ComPort] := 0;
C_Status[ComPort] := (C_Status[ComPort] And $EC) Or $01;
X := Port[P] + Port[P+C_LSR] + Port[P+C_MSR] + Port[P+C_IIR];
If (IO='O') Or (IO='B') Then
C_OutHead[ComPort] := 0;
C_OutTail[ComPort] := 0;
C_Status[ComPort] := (C_Status[ComPort] And $D3) Or $04;
X := Port[P+C_LSR] + Port[P+C_MSR] + Port[P+C_IIR];
{* *}
{* Procedure ComBufferLeft(ComPort:Byte; IO:Char) : Word *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom). *}
{* Returns 0 if Port # invalid or unopened. *}
{* IO:Char -> Action code; I=Input, O=Output *}
{* Returns 0 if action code unrecognized. *}
{* *}
{* ComBufferLeft will return a number (bytes) indicating how much space *}
{* remains in the selected buffer. The INPUT buffer is checked if <IO> is *}
{* (I), and the output buffer is interrogated when <IO> is (O). Any other *}
{* "action code" will return a result of 0. Use this function when it is *}
{* important to avoid program delays due to calls to output procedures or *}
{* to prioritize the reception of data (to prevent overflows). *}
{* *}
Function ComBufferLeft(ComPort:Byte; IO:Char) : Word;
ComBufferLeft := 0;
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxCom) Or (Not C_PortOpen[ComPort]) Then Exit;
IO := Upcase(IO);
If IO = 'I' Then
If C_InHead[ComPort] >= C_InTail[ComPort] Then
ComBufferLeft := C_InSize[ComPort]-(C_InHead[ComPort]-C_InTail[ComPort])
ComBufferLeft := C_InTail[ComPort]-C_InHead[ComPort];
If IO = 'O' Then
If C_OutHead[ComPort] >= C_OutTail[ComPort] Then
ComBufferLeft := C_OutHead[ComPort]-C_OutTail[ComPort]
ComBufferLeft := C_OutSize[ComPort]-(C_OutTail[ComPort]-C_OutHead[ComPort]);
{* *}
{* Procedure ComWaitForClear(ComPort:Byte) *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom). *}
{* Exits immediately if out of range or port unopened. *}
{* *}
{* A call to ComWaitForClear will stop processing until the selected out- *}
{* put buffer is completely emptied. Typically used just before a call *}
{* to the CloseCom procedure to prevent premature cut-off of messages in *}
{* transit. *}
{* *}
Procedure ComWaitForClear(ComPort:Byte);
Empty : Boolean;
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxCom) Or (Not C_PortOpen[ComPort]) Then Exit;
Empty := (C_Status[ComPort] And $04) = $04;
Empty := Empty And ((Port[C_PortAddr[ComPort]+C_IER] And $02) = $00);
Until Empty;
{* *}
{* Procedure ComWrite(ComPort:Byte; St:String) *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom). *}
{* Exits immediately if out of range or port unopened. *}
{* St:String -> String to send *}
{* *}
{* Sends string <St> out communications port <ComPort>. *}
{* *}
Procedure ComWrite(ComPort:Byte; St:String);
X : Byte;
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxCom) Or (Not C_PortOpen[ComPort]) Then Exit;
For X := 1 To Length(St) Do
{* *}
{* Procedure ComWriteln(ComPort:Byte; St:String); *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom). *}
{* Exits immediately if out of range or port unopened. *}
{* St:String -> String to send *}
{* *}
{* Sends string <St> with a CR and LF appended. *}
{* *}
Procedure ComWriteln(ComPort:Byte; St:String);
X : Byte;
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxCom) Or (Not C_PortOpen[ComPort]) Then Exit;
For X := 1 To Length(St) Do
{* *}
{* Procedure ComWriteWithDelay(ComPort:Byte; St:String; Dly:Word); *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom). *}
{* Exits immediately if out of range or port unopened. *}
{* St:String -> String to send *}
{* Dly:Word -> Time, in milliseconds, to delay between each char. *}
{* *}
{* ComWriteWithDelay will send string <St> to port <ComPort>, delaying *}
{* for <Dly> milliseconds between each character. Useful for systems that *}
{* cannot keep up with transmissions sent at full speed. *}
{* *}
Procedure ComWriteWithDelay(ComPort:Byte; St:String; Dly:Word);
X : Byte;
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxCom) Or (Not C_PortOpen[ComPort]) Then Exit;
For X := 1 To Length(St) Do
{* *}
{* Procedure ComReadln(ComPort:Byte; Var St:String; Size:Byte; Echo:Boolean)*}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom). *}
{* Exits immediately if out of range or port unopened. *}
{* St:String <- Edited string from remote *}
{* Size:Byte; -> Maximum allowable length of input *}
{* Echo:Boolean; -> Set TRUE to echo received characters *}
{* *}
{* ComReadln is the remote equivalent of the standard Pascal READLN pro- *}
{* cedure with some enhancements. ComReadln will accept an entry of up to *}
{* 40 printable ASCII characters, supporting ^H and ^X editing commands. *}
{* Echo-back of the entry (for full-duplex operation) is optional. All *}
{* control characters, as well as non-ASCII (8th bit set) characters are *}
{* stripped. If <Echo> is enabled, ASCII BEL (^G) characters are sent *}
{* when erroneous characters are intercepted. Upon receipt of a ^M (CR), *}
{* the procedure is terminated and the final string result returned. *}
{* *}
Procedure ComReadln(ComPort:Byte; Var St:String; Size:Byte; Echo:Boolean);
Len,X : Byte;
Ch : Char;
Done : Boolean;
St := '';
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxCom) Or (Not C_PortOpen[ComPort]) Then Exit;
Done := False;
Len := Length(St);
Ch := Chr(Ord(ComReadChW(ComPort)) And $7F);
Case Ch Of
^H : If Len > 0 Then
St[0] := Chr(Len);
If Echo Then ComWrite(ComPort,#8#32#8);
^M : Begin
Done := True;
If Echo Then ComWrite(ComPort,#13#10);
^X : Begin
St := '';
If Len = 0 Then ComWriteCh(ComPort,^G);
If Echo Then
For X := 1 to Len Do
#32..#127 : If Len < Size Then
St[Len] := Ch;
St[0] := Chr(Len);
If Echo Then ComWriteChW(ComPort,Ch);
If Echo Then ComWriteChW(ComPort,^G);
If Echo Then ComWriteChW(ComPort,^G)
Until Done;
{* *}
{* Function ComExist(ComPort:Byte) : Boolean *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to use (1 - C_MaxCom) *}
{* Returns FALSE if out of range *}
{* Returns TRUE if hardware for selected port is detected & tests OK *}
{* *}
{* Function ComExist performs a high-speed short loopback test on the *}
{* selected port to determine if it indeed exists. Use this function *}
{* before attempts to OPEN a port for I/O (although this function is *}
{* called by OpenCom to prevent such an occurance). *}
{* NOTE! Although pains are taken to preserve the 8250 state before the *}
{* port test takes place, it is nonetheless recommended that this function *}
{* NOT be called while a port is actually OPEN. Doing so may cause the *}
{* port to behave erratically. *}
{* *}
Function ComExist(ComPort:Byte) : Boolean;
TestByte1 : Byte = $0F;
TestByte2 : Byte = $F1;
P : Word;
M,L,B1,B2,X : Byte;
ComExist := False;
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxPort) Then Exit;
P := C_PortAddr[ComPort];
M := Port[P+C_MCR]; { Save MCR }
L := Port[P+C_LCR]; { Save LCR }
Port[P+C_MCR] := $10; { Enable loopback mode }
Port[P+C_LCR] := $80; { Enable divisor latch mode }
B1 := Port[P]; { Save current baud rate }
B2 := Port[P+1];
Port[P] := 4; { Set baud rate to 28000 }
Port[P+1] := 0;
Port[P+C_LCR] := $03; { Transmit mode 28000:8N1 }
Delay(20); { Wait a bit }
X := Port[P] + Port[P]; { Clear register }
Port[P] := TestByte1; { Test byte #1 }
Delay(20); { Wait for loopback }
X := Port[P]; { Get byte echoed back }
If X <> TestByte1 Then Goto ERROR_EXIT; { Exit w/error if not echoed }
Port[P] := TestByte2; { Test byte #2 }
Delay(20); { Wait for loopback }
X := Port[P]; { Get echo-back byte }
If X <> TestByte2 Then Goto ERROR_EXIT; { Exit w/error if not echoed }
Port[P] := 0;
ComExist := True; { Test passed: Port exists }
Port[P+C_LCR] := $80; { Restore baud rate }
Port[P] := B1;
Port[P+1] := B2;
Port[P+C_LCR] := L; { Restore parameters }
Port[P+C_MCR] := M; { Restore control lines }
{* *}
{* Function ComTrueBaud(Baud:Longint) : Real *}
{* *}
{* Baud:Longint -> User baud rate to test. *}
{* Should be between C_MinBaud and C_MaxBaud. *}
{* Returns the actual baud rate based on the accuracy of the 8250 divider. *}
{* *}
{* The ASYNC12 communications package allows the programmer to select ANY *}
{* baud rate, not just those that are predefined by the BIOS or other *}
{* agency. Since the 8250 uses a divider/counter chain to generate it's *}
{* baud clock, many non-standard baud rates can be generated. However, *}
{* the binary counter/divider is not always capable of generating the *}
{* EXACT baud rate desired by a user. This function, when passed a valid *}
{* baud rate, will return the ACTUAL baud rate that will be generated. *}
{* The baud rate is based on a 8250 input clock rate of 1.73728 MHz. *}
{* *}
Function ComTrueBaud(Baud:Longint) : Real;
X : Real;
Y : Word;
X := Baud;
If X < C_MinBaud Then X := C_MinBaud;
If X > C_MaxBaud Then X := C_MaxBaud;
ComTrueBaud := C_MaxBaud / Round($900/(X/50));
{* *}
{* Procedure ComParams(ComPort:Byte; Baud:Longint; *}
{* WordSize:Byte; Parity:Char; StopBits:Byte); *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to initialize. Must be (1 - C_MaxCom) *}
{* Procedure aborted if port # invalid or unopened. *}
{* Baud:Longint -> Desired baud rate. Should be (C_MinBaud - C_MaxBaud)*}
{* C_MinBaud or C_MaxBaud used if out of range. *}
{* WordSize:Byte -> Word size, in bits. Must be 5 - 8 bits. *}
{* 8-bit word used if out of range. *}
{* Parity:Char -> Parity classification. *}
{* May be N)one, E)ven, O)dd, M)ark or S)pace. *}
{* N)one selected if classification unknown. *}
{* StopBits:Byte -> # of stop bits to pad character with. Range (1-2) *}
{* 1 stop bit used if out of range. *}
{* *}
{* ComParams is used to configure an OPEN'ed port for the desired comm- *}
{* unications parameters, namely baud rate, word size, parity form and *}
{* # of stop bits. A call to this procedure will set up the port approp- *}
{* riately, as well as assert the DTR, RTS and OUT2 control lines and *}
{* clear all buffers. *}
{* *}
Procedure ComParams(ComPort:Byte; Baud:LongInt; WordSize:Byte; Parity:Char; StopBits:Byte);
C_Stopbit1 = $00; { Bit masks for parity, stopbits }
C_Stopbit2 = $04;
C_NoParity = $00;
C_OddParity = $08;
C_EvenParity = $18;
C_MarkParity = $28;
C_SpaceParity = $38;
X : Real;
Y,P : Word;
DivMSB,DivLSB : Byte;
WS,SB,PTY : Byte;
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxPort) Or (Not C_PortOpen[ComPort]) Then Exit;
P := C_PortAddr[ComPort];
{ Calculate baud rate divisors }
X := Baud;
If X < C_MinBaud Then X := C_MinBaud;
If X > C_MaxBaud Then X := C_MaxBaud;
Y := Round($900/(X/50));
DivMSB := Hi(Y);
DivLSB := Lo(Y);
{ Determine parity mask }
{ Default if unknown: No parity }
Case UpCase(Parity) Of
'N' : PTY := C_NoParity;
'E' : PTY := C_EvenParity;
'O' : PTY := C_OddParity;
'M' : PTY := C_MarkParity;
'S' : PTY := C_SpaceParity;
PTY := C_NoParity;
{ Determine stop-bit mask }
{ Default if out of range: 1 Stop bit }
Case StopBits Of
1 : SB := C_StopBit1;
2 : SB := C_StopBit2;
SB := C_StopBit1;
{ Determine word-size mask }
{ Default if out of range: 8 bit word size }
If (WordSize >= 5) And (WordSize <= 8) Then
WS := WordSize - 5
WS := 3;
{ Initialize line-control register }
Port[P+C_LCR] := WS + SB + PTY;
{ Initialize baud rate divisor latches }
Port[P+C_LCR] := Port[P+C_LCR] Or $80;
Port[P] := DivLSB;
Port[P+1] := DivMSB;
Port[P+C_LCR] := Port[P+C_LCR] And $7F;
X := Port[P] + Port[P+C_LSR] + Port[P+C_MSR] + Port[P+C_IIR];
{ Assert RS323 control lines (DTR,RTS,OUT2) & exit }
Port[P+C_MCR] := $0B;
{* *}
{* Function OpenCom(ComPort:Byte; InBufferSize,OutBufferSize:Word):Boolean *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to OPEN (1 - C_MaxCom) *}
{* Request will fail if out of range or port OPEN *}
{* InBufferSize:Word -> Requested size of input (receive) buffer *}
{* OutBufferSize:Word -> Requested size of output (transmit) buffer *}
{* Returns success/fail status of OPEN request (TRUE if OPEN successful) *}
{* *}
{* OpenCom must be called before any activity (other than existence check, *}
{* see the ComExist function) takes place. OpenCom initializes the *}
{* interrupt drivers and serial communications hardware for the selected *}
{* port, preparing it for I/O. Memory for buffers is allocated on the *}
{* Pascal "heap", thus freeing data-segment memory for larger more data- *}
{* intensive programs. Once a port has been OPENed, a call to ComParams *}
{* should be made to set up communications parameters (baud rate, parity *}
{* and the like). Once this is done, I/O can take place on the port. *}
{* OpenCom will return a TRUE value if the opening procedure was success- *}
{* ful, or FALSE if it is not. *}
{* *}
Function OpenCom(ComPort:Byte; InBufferSize,OutBufferSize:Word) : Boolean;
TempVec : Pointer;
P : Word;
IntLn,X : Byte;
{ Ensure that port was not previously open }
OpenCom := False;
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxPort) Or C_PortOpen[ComPort] Then Exit;
If Not ComExist(ComPort) Then Exit;
{ Clear any pending activity from 8250 interrupt queue }
P := C_PortAddr[ComPort];
Port[P+C_IER] := $0D;
X := Port[P] + Port[P+C_LSR] + Port[P+C_MSR] + Port[P+C_IIR];
{ Set up interrupt vectors & 8259 PIC }
IntLn := C_PortInt[ComPort];
If C_OldINTVec[IntLn] <> TempVec Then
C_OldINTVec[IntLn] := TempVec;
Port[$21] := Port[$21] And (($01 SHL IntLn) XOR $FF);
X := Port[$21];
Port[$20] := $20;
{ Allocate memory for I/O buffers }
C_InSize[ComPort] := InBufferSize;
C_OutSize[ComPort] := OutBufferSize;
{ Set up default parameters for port }
C_RTSOn[ComPort] := InBufferSize - 2;
C_RTSOff[ComPort] := InBufferSize - 1;
C_StartChar[ComPort] := ^Q;
C_StopChar[ComPort] := ^S;
C_Ctrl[ComPort] := 0;
C_Status[ComPort] := 5;
C_PortOpen[ComPort] := True;
OpenCom := True;
{* *}
{* Procedure CloseCom(ComPort:Byte) *}
{* *}
{* ComPort:Byte -> Port # to close *}
{* Request ignored if port closed or out of range. *}
{* *}
{* CloseCom will un-link the interrupt drivers for a port, deallocate it's *}
{* buffers and drop the DTR and RTS signal lines for a port opened with *}
{* the OpenCom function. It should be called before exiting your program *}
{* to ensure that the port is properly shut down. *}
{* NOTE: CloseCom shuts down a communications channel IMMEDIATELY, *}
{* even if there is data present in the input or output buffers. *}
{* Therefore, you may wish to call the ComWaitForClear procedure *}
{* before closing the ports. *}
{* *}
Procedure CloseCom(ComPort:Byte);
ClosePort : Boolean;
P,IntLn,X : Word;
If (ComPort<1) Or (ComPort>C_MaxPort) Or (Not C_PortOpen[ComPort]) Then Exit;
{ Drop RS232 control lines (DTR,RTS,OUT2) and reset 8250 interrupt mode }
P := C_PortAddr[ComPort];
Port[P+C_MCR] := 0;
Port[P+C_IER] := 0;
C_PortOpen[ComPort] := False;
{ Reset INT vectors & 8259 PIC if all COMs on selected INT are closed }
IntLn := C_PortInt[ComPort];
ClosePort := True;
For X := 1 To C_MaxCom Do
If C_PortOpen[X] And (C_PortInt[X] = IntLn) Then
ClosePort := False;
If ClosePort Then
X := Port[$21];
Port[$21] := X Or ($01 SHR IntLn);
X := Port[$21];
Port[$20] := $20;
C_OldINTVec[IntLn] := Nil;
X := Port[P] + Port[P+C_LSR] + Port[P+C_MSR] + Port[P+C_IIR];
{ Deallocate buffers }
{* *}
{* Procedure CloseAllComs *}
{* *}
{* CloseAllComs will CLOSE all currently OPENed ports. See the CloseCom *}
{* procedure description for more details. *}
{* *}
Procedure CloseAllComs;
X : Byte;
For X := 1 To C_MaxCom Do
If C_PortOpen[X] Then
{* *}
{* UNIT Initialization Code *}
{* *}
For x := 1 to C_MaxPort Do
C_PortOpen[x] := False;
C_InBufPtr[x] := Nil;
C_OutBufPtr[x] := Nil;
C_OldIntVec[x] := Nil;
C_InHead[x] := 0;
C_OutHead[x] := 0;
C_InTail[x] := 0;
C_OutTail[x] := 0;
C_InSize[x] := 0;
C_OutSize[x] := 0;
C_RTSOn[x] := 0;
C_RTSOff[x] := 0;
C_StartChar[x] := ^Q;
C_StopChar[x] := ^S;
C_Status[x] := 5;
C_Ctrl[x] := 0;
C_XL3Ptr[x] := 0;
Port[C_PortAddr[x]+C_MCR] := $00;